Friday, December 31, 2010

the clock is ticking...

tick tock tick tock..
jarum2 jam blari2 ank spy cpt pkul 12 tgh mlm..
sbb time tu berakhir lah tahun 2010 ni..
n WELCOME 2011...
xsaba nk msuk taun baru..nk tgk ape sejarah yg akn ija buat spjg taun 2011 plak.
mne taw tup2 2011 ija jdi org 1st terjun bangunan kt murni dari tingkat 1?
who knows?hehehe...;p
2010 akn berada dlm kenangan..byk sgt kisah dlm 2010..
sedeyh..suke..duka...kicap masin....gulai lemak.sume ade..
tp nk dkt2 akhir taun ni tiap2 ari strawberry manis...:D

so...sume sebok pkir azam bru 2011..
ija mls nk pkir..sbb xkn tjadinye.
so just move my best to achieve what i want(ntah btol ke x omputih ni..lantak ler..da lme x speakong..;p)..
gambate kudasai ija n frens!!!!;D

chow u allzzz...:D


can i keep u????

day by day...
that day will come..

Monday, December 27, 2010

gelak gerudi guling2..

yeah..nga break 2 jam xde kls..tibe2 cm terajin nk tulih kan.hahaa...;p
xtaw pon nk tulih mende.sje nk penatkn tgn yg da mmg penat akibat tulih numec td.
pny la laju lecturer tuh tulih..mak aih..mmg xdgr la pe die aja..juz tulih je mende2 kt papan putih tu...-_-"
toooooooooooo fasttttttt tuk org yg toooooooooo slowww cm ija.ahakz..
jp g last class.hehee..then jge padang ptg nih..
bola2...xtaw pon psl blagak cm hebat sgt psl bola2 la kn nk jge pdang..;p;p
okie...tgn ckp..*stop2....lunyai da tgn ni*
so nk stop..
k..word 4 da day is.......SENYUM SOKMO!:D

p/s; gud luck spe men kt pdang COIT ptg ni...;) tetttttttttttt...;p c yaaa...chow~

Sunday, December 26, 2010


hurm...ntah npe tibe2 rse nk tulih blog..wlpon byk keje sbnrnye..
bbrp mggu ni..otak ija xkeruan la.
penuh dgn mende2 kt otak..:(
lost something..
found something..
oh how i wish all my dreams do come true..
teringin jdi ordinary girl..
but ade 1 suara ckp..
ija kene ingt ija xkn jdi ordinary tp special...
cmtu la kot suara tu ckp...lupe sket sbnrny..huh~-_-"
thanks sgt2 kt suare tu sbnrnye...
dat voice sgt menenangkn jiwa sy sbnrnye...:)

huhu..merapu lak.
okai..need to do some work..
doakan sy berjaya melalu idup ni k...

p/s:alangkah bgs jugak klu fairy tale jd kenyataan...:)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


rindu sy x?da lame gile hilang kan.
agak mls dicitu..harhar..
tp..tibe2 cm nk tulih lak skng ni..pada jam 3.03AM(11.3.2010)..
time org nga tido la ija ade ilham nk tulih kan.
da macam komposer lagu la plak...kene ade suasana tsendiri utk tulih2..lala~

tp.xbyk pon lauk dlm otak ni tuk dimuntahkan kt sini..
just nk cakap ija akn start menulis blog blk..sbb skng ija tengah ye bebeh!
3 weeks honey..owh...sgt suke..
seksa final da lps.n my muke jd so so SO different...CIK WAT(jerawat) datang bawak rombongan mcm bom..
well...ade gud news cik wat dtg.ija dpt tuka my facial thingys kepada skin food..npe gud news..sbb tu mhl.n my dad nk sponsor..n dats great.sbb skin food sgt elok tuk muke mmndangkn akk ija yg pkai cm elok n makin licin je muke die..
so after dis..shuhh2 cik wat..g bwk rombongan tu jmp org lain yep.hahaha
sbb sy akn tolak awk jauh2..
gune skin food n also tomato n taugeh..
nyum2..3 weeks..tu la antara mission ija yg perlu diselesaikan.heheheh..
okie dokie..tu je yg larat nk tulih mlm nih..
sok nk tgk muvi darling..don be jealous oke!

till then..sayonara all!

akid cuty buat ape je??

akid cuty buat ape je??

Answer here

Saturday, June 19, 2010

4 weeks~

mgu lepas...seronok...
melalui saat2 kem KRB 2010...di uniten...
sgt syiok..lyn budak2 tahap upsr,pmr,spm....
dpt duit pon syiok gak.hehe...

mgu ni....extravaganza seronok!!!!!!!!!
g kenyir...pulau atok2....seminggu....
mmg the best holiday setakat ni...

nex week..n week seterusnye....hopefully seronok jugak...
melalui saat2 menjadi seorang fasilitator di uniten bagi orientasi intake jun 2010 uniten...

wish me luck u guys!!!
nk tido..penat sgt da ni......

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


hari ni..ija sgt2 terasa mcm 1 family dengan staff2 tnb cheras...da mcm staff tnb lak ija rase..dgn berbaju tnb kaler merah(pinjam ayh punye)..ija g melangkah masuk ke ilsas..demi bagi sokongn kat sume tuk sukan teknikal 2010....

mula2 segan gak pkai baju tu.yela..tibe2 lak pakai baju tnb kan.haha....tapi lame2 rasa berbangga lak..ag2 sokong tuk tnb cheras...jadi pompom girl.ahah!bersama ngn dak2 praktikal lain..
dila,zama ngn zizan...kol 8 lebey ija smpai la kat ilsas..tgk dorg da siap berbaris sume..ija dtg lambat.hehe..ngn dila gak..xpe..xberseorangan..

arini..ija dpt tgk diorg wat mcm2...stay wire...pasang lantern....byk sgt acara...seronok..
tapi ija just duduk kt padang je.tgk dorg wt lantern,umbang ngn servis...sebab malas nk gerak2.hehe..panas taw...bertuka kaler ija tadi..bkn putih da..kelabu taik ayam.haha!
tapi seb bek own baik.kasi pinjam topi die..mekaseh ye!!:D

acara tu habis tgh hari....mmg best la duk kt padang tu...dgn ade pasukan sorak dari cheras.hahaha..own n the geng lead kt belakang..

haha..duk lawan ngn team sorak lain..especially team port klang.haha..
dorg nye sorak...wt kami sebut go tomato go!!!haha..xpon..go potato go!!!haha..
walaupun yg sebenarnye...
pe2 pon..mmg meriah suasana...
then..tgh hari..g lunch...

abes lunch...mula la upacara penyampaian hadiah dalam dewan..
lambat gak start..sempat la duk nyanyi2 jap.hehe..tgk video2 keselamatan org awam.
jujo cakap...antara sume video yang ditayangkn..
mmg cheras je paling best!!hahaha..bkn nk kate pilih kasih.tpi da mmg btol pon.haha!

then bile stat..bla..bla..bla..ucapan sume..
upacara penyampaian hadiah da mula..
n the result!!jeng4.....

TNB CHERAS memenangi 7 award!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!ini mmg peningkatan yang sgt mendadak..bak kate hos acara ag...
mungkin sbb dak2 praktikal dtg bg support kot?hahha..
xdela..jus mne taw btol ke?hahaha!

ni la senarai2 yang diorg menang hasil usaha mereka..berpuluh2 peluh mereka...

johan ;
kategori : umbang , mencari kejanggalan meter dan video...

naib johan ;
kategori : memasang lampu jalan..

tempat ketiga ;
kategori : fault locate , poster dan kontraktor...

bangga x ngn pencapaian diorg?walaupon diorg xmenang juara keseluruhan..namun...diorg da mcm juara da pon..bak kita pny sorak.hehehe...CHERAS!!JUARA!!cewah...hehe...n kite menang sorak gak pe...pomen MK sangat2 la bersemangat tuk laungkn kate2 sorak tu...sampai ija tgk pon jadi semangat..cewah..hahaha!!

lagipon..time hos suwoh kami semua teka spe juara pon..majoriti kate cheras....
tapi...akhirnya...BANGI gak jadi juara.....diikuti tempat kedua subang jaya dan tempat ketiga petaling jaya...
dengar2...cheras tempat keempat.ok la tu kan....

so..akhir kate..good effort u guys!keep it up..
im so proud to join u guys today...hopefully dpt follow korg ag nex year.hehehe..
(muke xmalunye ija..)

thanks semua2..sebab sudi terima ija ikot sukan teknikal ni..walaupun da tamat praktikal..
i begin to love this tnb cheras...n so..i will miss u guys!

akhir kata dari saya..keep it up ur good work..
hope we will meet again someday..
thanks a lot for this memorable day...

nah...sile tekan sini tuk pic2 tnb..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


bosan2...g la bkk blog org..then tibe2 mate tertumpu kat 1 sahabat ija..mia!!!hehe~
bes lak tgk post die..psl care makan tu..
ija xtaw nk pilih mane sbnrnye..
mcm org jenis makan smbil bcakap pn ye..kdg2 makan sambil asek tgk jam pn ye..
kdg2 gak makan sambil merenung makanan dlm pinggan tu pon ye....
tp sume tu..tgk pada mood ija masa tu la..
kalau da sorg2 time mkn..nk bckp ape nye kan..
xke gile org cakap kalau tgk kite duk ckp sorg2 ngn pinggan..hahaa!
tapi..kalau ngn mmbe..mmg ija suke klu nga majok ngn mmbe tu...pinggan la tempat ija menatap.

post pasal darah pn cam best..
sy darah A mia!!!Hehehehe..
ade la descriptions die cm btol.kene ngn ija.ade yg x..xleh caye kan.haha...
xsngke mia darah B ye..gud2..hhehee~mmg sikap2 tu ade kene ngn mia pon...admit2..hehe~

pe2 pon.gud luck mia k..tuk dis special ur best gurl..luv ya!

p/s: tadi nk lawat kt bilik x kasi..smpai ati.majok!hahaha!=p

k la..mau mandi..papai!

dinner?pegi or not..wuhuu~

dinner wawasan xlama ag...
tema : masquerade..
cm best kan...mcm nk pegi..
bayaran : RM80..
ayah..can i go?haha..
please2...i need to go..skong wawasan kan..
nk cari mask la..yg tutup tek lalat ija trus.biar org x cam.hhee.
teruja lak psl dinner ni.sbb msti cam best....
spe2 yg rase nk join..sile2 la k..
tarikh : 31.7.2010..
tempat : country heights kajang..
wuhuuu...ade spe2 nk jdi partner ija x?sile angkt tgn.haha!jus kiddin.wek!
t la nk tgk baju ape ade..

btw..arini..da ikot abg2 tnb(pomen MK,own,abg Yahya,en. qahar)..g sukan teknikal kt far..dorg buat dgn baik..
hopefully sok cemerlang...
gud luck abg2 sume!!Ija akn datang support ag sok k..
semoga korg mng k...

till then..i feel so hepy..dpt jumpa taca n ira!luv u guys so much!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


>i miss them..
>really do..
>dorg miss ija x?
>hurm..cant wait nk jmp t..:D
>miss my old fren very much..die ingt ija x eh?
ke da lupe eh?hurm..
>less than 1 month ag ija..then..akan bertemu..can't wait sgt!
korg rindu ija x?i noe i am..

Friday, May 28, 2010

abes da~

hurm..arini..sudah 3 hari saya tamat praktikal di tnb cheras...
sedey la plak sebab da abeh....
kt tnb..mcm2 pengalaman ija dpt yg ija xjangkakan dapat lalui..wlaupun ija da ckup bersyukur..
ija xdpt nk jmp sume yg byk mengajar ija dan mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kt dorg..
terima kasih sgt2 kepada semua yang telah mengajar ija selame ija di tnb..

tnb..dulu..ija slalu gak xphm care kerja dorg..pgi2 slalu mkn2...kt kedai d'lee dekat ngn rumah tu..tempat dorg slalu makan hari2..
patu bile elektrik xde..slalu membebel sorg2..nape dorg wt keje lambat semua..
tapi..sejak ija ikot dorg..dan lalui hari2 dengan dorg..barulah ija paham..dan semua tanggapan ija kat dorg...hancur begitu sahaja..
kita yang senang slalu xbsykur dengan ape yg ade..
abg2 tnb dan akak2 tnb...bertungkus lumus tuk memuaskan ati kita sebagai pengguna..dorg sume tido xckup..
pengalaman ikot diorg keje smpai malam..wlpun x la smpai pagi2 buta tu...mmg syiok...
tgk dorg cari kabel yg rosak sume..ingt sng ke?
ingt bile xde elektrik tu..cpt je ke nk baiki blk?
byk taw step2 nk cari mana salah die tu.patu da jmp nk kene baiki lak...
patu..kalau bahagian kabel bwh tnah rosak..lgi lame nk siap..
sebulan tidak ckup tuk ija paham pe yg diorg buat ni...
tapi sebulan sudah agak ckup tuk ija paham secara general ape yg mereka buat selama ni..berkhidmat ngn pnuh dedikasi..cewahhh..ehehe~
nk cite mcm2 lagi..tlampau cm mls nk taip pjg2..hehe..

kt tnb tu..gosip sume kite dak praktikal...wt kt cheras ni..haha..agak menjimatkan duit sbnrnye...
sebabnye..kalau mkn ngn dorg...dorg xkn kasi kite keluar duit..dorg yg akn belanja..sebabnye..

abg tnb; xpyh byr..biar kitorg bayar..korg tu xkeje..xde duit..kalau nk sgt bayar..bayar tuk sume org dan secara berterusan.. haha...

haha..sooo..klu mkn ngn dorg.mmg ija xbyr la...mekaseh sgt2 sebab mengenyangkn perot besar ija ni k...
kesimpulannye....praktikal di tnb sgt besh..sebab byk mende kita dpt belajar as engineers kan..t da lps blaja..keje...kite mungkin xbpeluang tuk lalui sume2 t...bile praktikal btol ija nnt..lagi 2 taun..ija nk wt kt tnb ag la..hehe!
dan ada 1 peringatan yang ija dpt dr diorang...
abg tnb 2; nanti bila ko da jdi bos..ko ingt la org bawah ko..etc...

insya-Allah k..kalau ija nanti berkesempatan nk duduk kat tempat macam tu...ija akn ingt org bawah2 ija..cewah..berangan...yela..bru pas mkn buah berangan kan..haha!
xpela..bgus pe kan..
betol..t bile kite da kat atas..jangan lah kita bongkak ngn kedudukan kita...kita kene bersatu ngn org lain...jangan la asyik nk push org bwh tuk bekerja tuk capai apa kita nak dgn segera kalau kite xtaw cmne kejenye btol2...
keje tnb sgt besar pahalanya..mmberi kami kesenangan sebagai pengguna...
thanks a lot u guys!!!
abg own!!
pomen fairuz, pomen MK, pomen zulhisyam, abg yahya, abg fadhli asri, abg fadhli, pomen zul, kak farhanah, kak azniwaty, pomen azmi, abg shahrul, abg amir, abg fizzie, pak saad, abg tony, pak yaacob, kak mizan, dan sume warga2 tnb cheras la..
sorry kalau x sebut nama yg lain2 k...jangan ingat ija xhargai plak..
hargai sgt2...thnks terima ija..:D
owh..n thanks a practical frens!!dila,azuan dan hizami!!korg mmg wt ija jdi njoy kt tnb..
lastly..ija xkn merungut lagi lps ni klu xdpt elektrik dgn cpt k..klu la ade breakdown.haha!

till then...papai!
owh..n gud luck tuk sukan teknikal nnt!!ija akn dtg support kt ilsas!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

jus do it~

arini....ingt nk siapkan nota tnb2 tu...tapi lpas tbukak blog mia tu..die ade lak tag ija buat la ni jap..then g wt keje..sweet x sy mia?heeheh..:)


- BOLD the statements that ARE true to you
- ITALICIZE the statements that you WISH were true.
- Leave the fibs alone.
- Then, tag 6 people to do the same test

• 170cm tall

I don’t know what I want at the moment.

I’m not happy.

• I hate my friends.

• I hate my life.

I hate my grades.

I can drive

• I’m bored of driving

• I love dancing

• I go clubbing every week

• Shopping is bullshit

• I have a tattoo of a star.

• I got my navel pierced.

• I have friends that take drugs.

• 90% of my friends smoke.

• I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty

• I’m studying Fashion

I have a business running

• I hate cartoons.

• I hate someone

• I have 10 Lollipops handbags

• I buy CLEO every month

My parents don’t know about my blog

I have an iPod

I don’t have faith in the current “one”.

• My school mates know about my FB

• I wanted to be a fashion designer

• I love rock emo bands.

• I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups

My parents have faith in me

I’ve bought shoes this month

A blogger bitched about me before

• I hate sports

• I hate Italian food

• I hate meeting new people

I hate nail polish

• The mother bear gives me hugs.

People should start appreciating me

High school was the worst time of my life

• I have red hair

I’m a guy.

• I’m scared of my Biology result exam which I’m going to face someday tomorrow.

• I hate vacations

We’ll last

I believe in long distance relationships

• I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.

• I’ve robbed an old lady.

I’m starting to like applying make-up

• I was a tomboy

• At times I think I still am a tomboy.

• I love bitching about people behind their backs

• I still have a best friend

I have a cat

• I hate surprise parties.

• I hate planning parties.

• I’m hot (haha!org ckp la..)

I’m a sinner.

• I’ve got a DS light

• I have a Wii

I cant live without music

• Video games are a waste of time

• I miss the father bear.

• I love being in love

• I know how to cook

• Boys are assholes.

• I hate Math

• I’m happy with what I have

I love horror films

• I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid

• My old friends keep in touch with me

• I don’t read newspapers

• The news is such a waste of time

Blogging is a waste of time

• I hate animals

• I can't live without make-up

• I curse like a pirate.

• I’m happy with my 11 year old car

• I hate people that are smart

• I love Orange juice

• I can’t drink for nuts.

• I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity

• I’ve got a new phone

• I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month

• I love swimming

• I haven’t worked out since March

I think I’m fat (skit kot)

• I love my friends and family

6 people untuk di tag :
nik hakimi
tu je yg dpt ija pkir.hehehe~

oleh itu..nk g wt keje...lala..papai~

Monday, May 3, 2010

1st day~

arini..1st day keje kt tnb cawangn suarasa...
g keje awl la sket..nk tnjuk komitmen tggi la konon kan.hehheehe...
kol 7.45 pagi da gerak dari uma...smpai 7.50...huhu..den xtaw nk wtpe..sbb cuak sgt kan...then try kol akaK...konon2 nk dptkan sket smngat la.haha..tapi akak yg bru bgn tido tu cm xmemberi semangat sgt pon..heheheeh..jgn mare...

so..kol 8 sy pergi lapor diri kt pejabat..
then...tgguuuuuuuuuu...tuk jumpa bos..puan siti rugayah..die ade meeting kt mane tah.
so..tggu la..lame gak..ngn sorg kwn ija bru kenal..che azuan namenye..wt praktikal gak dar UM..
duk la lepak dgn die spjg arini..huhu~

then..pendekkn cite..sbb nga penat ni..n tulih smbil bgolek2 ats katil ngn bntal strawbery..
kesimpulannye..arini byk kes tggu2 org tu..then nk jmp sorg lg..tggu...tguu..tguu..xpe..bersaba la ye.ehe..1st day kan..

then..akhirnye ija mengikut abg Own tuk pegi ke tmpat kire keje 1st kami bdua la...dorg wat maintainance arini kt 3 substation kami ikot..tempat kt Serdang..pendekkn cite ag..
mcm2 ija blaja..transformer...switch gear...LV board..kite cm xbosan sgt sng nk tgk dorg wt keje kn..ag2 ija ni mmg amek kos elektrikal ni 1 opportunity yg bgs..mcm2 ditny..n diberi...thnks to abg own,fadhil n abg foreman kami iaitu abg fairuz..
sok..ija akn follow dorg ag g shutdown ktne tah..skng pkai t-shirt je pn xpe..i laik..sng..hehe~
doakan keselamatan ija k spjg keje ni...sbb ade org cite..pnh ade org mati time praktikal time ikot2 dorg ni.hehe...
abes keje ni pn lmbt...kol 6.30 petang bru smpai pejabat balik..fuh..penat je..mkn pn tahan jela..da bese pon..kt uniten pn mkn xtentu.hehehe~
dorg..abg2 kecian..mlm ni..dorg ade shutdown ag..smpai kol 5 pagi.ish2...kesian je..tu..pagi t..kene masuk keje ag..mmg kurg tido la dorg..skng baru ija phm perasaan org yg wt maintainance spe2 yg duk kt uma..klu shutdown tu..jgn la nk mara2...relek la...saba je k.hehe..t ade la blk letrik tu..

tgk la pic yg smpat ija amek...till then..nytez all!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

hari indah!

arini..sgt bes sy rase...sudah lame x rse cmni...
hehe.. die ey?
nk taw x?
xyh la..
k la..gtaw la..
sebok je..lalla~

erm..rse bes..n gmbira..sebab dpt luangkn mase bsama family...hehe..mmg la tiap2 ari pn kn duk uma ngadap muke dorg..gado gedik2.hehe. lain..kitorg kua n jln2 kt sunway..lame kot xjln2 ngn 1 family cmni..
rse syiok lak..
bagai melihat arnab berenang..errrr....

ija dpt mcm2 arini.hehe..dpt enjoy 1 psl la..patu dpt mkn kt fullhouse..lame sgt da mengidam.hehe..situ mmg bes abes laaa...
sempoi je pelayan2..suwoh tlg amekkan gmbr..pelayan tu lak cm tlbey xcited dr ktorg...amek byk2 kali..

then..dpt safety cap(tu ke pgglnye eh?)
haahah..yg tuk pale tu...bile nk site2..yela..nk stat keje kan..then cari safety shoes..seb bek xbeli ag..sbb burok benor upenyeh..xde byk jnis..da la berat..mak aih..
ni klu ade mende nk hempap ija pn..xsempat nk lari..berat sgt ksut.haha...
kasut tu ija beli nnt la dengn mak..

then.ija dapat lak baskin robbin..mmg superb la..sbb mak blnje kami sume..
da la 2 scoop lak tuh..mule2 cuak gak..biar btol 2 scoop..mahal kot..
tny mak..slow2 je kt citu..then....

mak;nok ke xboh?kalau nok cepat..
(suare dalam keadaan menjerkah sket)
ija yg tgamam sebentar.hehe...cpt2..
ija; ok2..nk amek la ni...
haha~xpsl2 kene jerkah kt da malu jap..

so amek la..sgt puas ati..tenkiu mak!!!!luv u.hehe..

pastu..ija dpt eyeshadow elianto selepas puas memujuk ayah dengn bantuan along dan mak.hehe..dorg aja cmne nk pujuk..hahaa!tenkies la eh..

sgt2 suke arini..enjoy abes..need to slip tired now..pagi t nk bgn awl..nk g keje..uuuuhhh!!so cuak n takut lah..nk keje ni..kt tnb lak tuh...1st time ni..wish me luck k....
till then.nytes u all!!!

p/s;tuk tkg byk ag pic.sile la ke fb sy ye.haha~fariza adyani~

Saturday, May 1, 2010

flower cupcake ice cream cone

yeay!arini ija telah berjaya membuat 1 cupcake..hasil pindaan dari resipi devils food cupcake ice cream cone yang diambil dari rancangan.hehe..
walaupun ade yg buruk sket.hehe....sebab aiskrim kon tu ade yg ade yg success.hehe...cupcake ni..leh ikot citarasa sndiri...tadi..baru lepas test sedara test.haha..die kate macam lain macam..errkk..tapi mcm sedap je..hahha!haha..ingt nak ltk kat cupcake tu nk ltk buttercream...tapi..disebabkan tlmpau hangat di pasaran..xsempat nk ltk pn..da makan malam ni.haahah! time baru ija try ltk buttercream kt ats..hee~
so..bagi spe2 yg nk try resipi ni..silakan lah yeee....1st try ni agak spe2 yg xsuke manis....dimohon agar kurgkn gula ye....sbb..manis kotttt....tapi klu korg sume wt n manis ag..kurgkn la ag lepas tu.aha!


For the Cake:
8 oz dark chocolate, chopped
1-cup butter
1.5 cups brown sugar
1-tablespoon vanilla
6 eggs
1-cup cocoa
2 dozen flat-bottomed ice cream cones

For the Marshmallow “Ice Cream” topping:
24 large marshmallows
2 cups of water
2 cups of sugar
1 cup of corn syrup
4 packages of gelatin
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of other optional flavour extract, lemon, orange, rum


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

For the Cake:
Melt the chocolate and butter together in a medium bowl set over a simmering pot of water. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar, vanilla, eggs and cocoa. Mix well.

Place ice cream cones on a baking sheet and fill with batter, leaving a small space at the top to allow for the rising of the cake. Bake for 20 minutes. Cool completely before adding the marshmallow.

For the Marshmallow:
Pour the water, sugar and syrup into a small pot. Sprinkle the gelatin over the surface of the mixture and gently whisk the mixture until the gelatin and sugar dissolves.

Bring the mixture to a simmer, heating it just long enough to melt the gelatin and sugar. It does not need to come to a simmer but it does need to get hot to the touch. Rub some of the mixture between your fingers. If it does not feel gritty and the mixture is very hot move on to the next step.

Add the vanilla and optional flavoring and using a stand mixer begin whipping the mixture on high. At this point you have two options. You may whip until the marshmallows look like soft whipped cream and the bowl feels cools to the touch then pour it into a lightly oiled 9x13 baking pan until it sets then cut it into squares. You may also continue whipping until the marshmallow resembles a stiff meringue and easily holds its shape in stiff peaks then pipe it out.

As the marshmallow cools the gelatin begins to firm up allowing the mixture to absorb air and increase in volume. To test the degree of whipping dip, a spoon into the mixture then remove it and invert it. Watch how the mixture slumps off the spoon. For best results it should be beaten past the point that it holds a soft peak almost to the point that it has stiffened and holds a stiff peak…

Working quickly spoon the marshmallow into a zippered plastic bag and cut off one corner. Pipe onto top of ice cream cones, and garnish with candy sprinkles.

ye...tu lah resipinye...selamat mencuba semuaaa!!!!! gud luck k.. ingt..gule kurgkan demi kesihatan masing2...haahah!!!!hehehe~

till then..chow chin chowww~~~