Thursday, January 24, 2013

baking accidents~

assalamualaikum.. u can see...bile kite baking ni xsemestinye ok je sepanjang masa..
sy budak tgh accidents happened.oh well..learn process..
baru2 ni try buat rainbow cake..

nmpk sedap kan?mmg sedap..part choc je.hahaha!ni 2nd benda baking yg sy buat xjd..1st macaroons..hehe..yeah.disbbkn tlampau gopoh dan gelojoh...kek tu tsalah buat sket...patutnye semua barang in room temp..but i did the opposite.hahah!PADAN MUKE!so the result..kek tu rasa mcm xckup masak je.hahaah!*nyorok muke dlm baju*

owh least the choc n the strawberries sedap!so i actually kikis every bit of the choc with my spoon and eat it with strawberries...mahal okey choc tu.haha!:P

now..the 3rd thing yg xmjadi n menunjukkan lg betapa gelojoh dan gopohnye sy di dapur..bajet ebat konon!:P ialah..dalam membuat RICE CAKE..kekeeek..xamek gmbr td sebab terlampau teruk rupenye.malu dgn diri sndiri.tu pn sebab ija xkaji betul2 die gune beras jenis now i know!make sure if u wanna do rice cake..the rice flour shoud be short grain rice flour ye!in malaysia ssh nk jumpa tu.kita cuma ada rice flour dari Thailand which is actually long grain rice die xkan menjadi pon..dah try buat..sedih!

BUT dont worry.i wont give tetap akan cari rice flour tu smpai dapat n try buat rice cake tu balik..the rainbow cake...xsure akn buat lagi ke x.sebab amek mase yg lame sgt.leceh! kalau buat pon ija konfiden akan menjadi.:D

for the rice flour..isnin depan ija akan cube pujuk ayah untuk bawak sy ke seoul mart in Plaza Crystal Ville Center!!;D please oh please bring me there daddy!heheeh..

so..the moral of the story.never give up on something that u love!failed once doesn't mean that u will fail forever right? smile!:)
korean much?hahaha!:P