Friday, January 28, 2011


da smggu akademi fasilitator 6 berakhir...
lega sangat ati ni..laporan program pon dah hantar..:)

mls nk tulih pjg2..sbb klu nk taw byk psl af6 tgk la kt blog ni..

jus nk ckp...ija ade 1 perasaan yg xde spe leh amek lps ni.
dat is.
i really love WAWASAN..n im proud to stay in this family..
nk taw knape?observe la xkesah ape org luar nk ckp psl wawasan..
sbb hny sy dan family wawasan sy yg taw cmne wawasan.
af6 merupakan anak pertama sy dlm wawasan.huhu...(ayat xleh tahan..;p)
n alhamdulillah berjalan dgn lancar walaupun ade lack sane sini.rase tharu gile tgk dorg sume bantu ija..alumni2..dtg hadir tgk.sori xdpt tegor sume org..sbb busy.
sy taw sy x bagus lgi conduct 1 thanks sbb korg bg ija smngt n puji sy psl af6 ni wlpon sy taw sy xla bgs mne pon..

biar peserta xramai tp objektif tercapai.melahirkn fasi2 yang berkaliber.dan sy percaya sy dan crew2 af6 telah berjaya membuat peserta af6 cm tu..

wlpon baju2 sy sume bau telor yg xilang disebabkan ping pong tu merupakan kenangan paling manis sy pnh ade dlm wawasan stkt ni..
n mintak maaf sgt2 atas semua kesilapan ija..

p/s: jgn lupe ye aktiviti2 lain.join jugak.:)

Friday, January 21, 2011

seronok sekarang tiap2 ari pon seronok.huauahua...
xsaba nk menghabiskan segala-galanya..
minggu ni mmg mggu busy...dengan final uniten cup...AF lgi..
fuh2...ahad ni merupakan penghujungnye..
patu sy nk tido 1 ari.yeah!
doakan agar program AF sy bjalan lancar yep2...uniten cup gak..smoga x hujan 2 ari tu nnt....:D
okie..nk g basuh kereta yg da xnampak kaler ape da disebabkan terlampau kotor.yela..baru redah hutan rimba penuh lecak dengan taik lembu ritu.hehe..

okie dokie..tata my bloggie...lala..:)

Monday, January 17, 2011

lagu best minggu ni~

suke sgt lagu ni buat mase skng..sbb mmg kene dengan jiwa..mmg menusuk cooolllll gitu..harhar..
so nk korg njoy skali lagu ija suke ni.heee~

king of anything..sara bareilles..

Keep drinking coffee, stare me down across the table
While I look outside
So many things I’d say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by

You’ve got opinions, man
We’re all entitled to ‘em, but I never asked
So let me thank you for your time, and try not to waste anymore of mine
And get out of here fast

I hate to break it to you babe, but I’m not drowning
There’s no one here to save

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

You sound so innocent, all full of good intent
Swear you know best
But you expect me to jump up on board with you
And ride off into your delusional sunset

I’m not the one who’s lost with no direction
But you’ll never see

You’re so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps
You got the talking down, just not the listening

And who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

All my life I’ve tried to make everybody happy
While I just hurt and hide
Waiting for someone to tell me it’s my turn to decide

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

Who cares if you disagree?
You are not me
Who made you king of anything?
So you dare tell me who to be?
Who died and made you king of anything?

Let me hold your crown, babe

Saturday, January 15, 2011


dapat jadi diri sendiri balik setelah sekian lame menjadi fake kt someone...:)
xtaw nk tulih ape sgt..
jus nk ckp..
sooooooooooooooooooo gembira la bro dapat balik umah.
hehe..slps bbrp mggu yang sgt penat..dpt blk uma cam nk berak je lame2 kt uma.
betapa bes nye uma ni kan.hehe..
rase cm nk tido xnk bgn2 pon ye gak...(bahaya tu xnk bgn2..);p

mggu dpn mgu lgi penat...
so doakan sy dapat bertahan...da 2 kali sy demam ni...dalam masa terdekat plak dpt agak kn betapa byknye keje sy..

so..nk pomot sket la kan..
AKADEMI FASILITATOR 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
meh la rakan2 yg terbace blog ija secare x sngje ni diwajibkan msuk af6 eh.hehe..bantu la sy..sbb ni 1st time saya jadi ketua pengarah program..cuak cm nk terkentut2 je..huhu..
22-23 januari tarikh berlangsungnye program tu.
actually mende ni cam nk train peserta cara2 nak menjadi seorang fasilitator yg berkaliber dan naikkan confidence level doa2kn program saya yg 1st ni sgt2 success ye rakan2...:)
pe2 soalan nk tny..sila la tny at ur service my dear..:)

okie dokie..nga seronok sorg2 dlm bilik..
so nk nyanyi n nari guling2 bersama hitam(kucing)..
tata u allzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Sunday, January 2, 2011


hehe..suke sy tulih psl ni..
mengigau..slame ni..kite asek dgr.
org mengigau tu cm bjln dlm tido...bckp2 time tido..nangeh2 time tido..
tp pnh x alami kejadian mengigau time taip msg?hahha.
xtaw la korg pnh ke ija mmg xpnh.
n suddenly pnh!!!hahahahaha~
1st time dpt rsekn org mngigau tido smbil taip msg.
scary but so comeyllllllllll...:D
boleyh la stelah byk2 da msg2 tu ngn mmbe(taw da time tu die nk tido n ngntok)..
tibe2 dpt 2 msg yg sgt pelik(lps mkn smbung msg..nk ckp nyte2..yela mmbe ngntok kan).
1 msg cm bhs german(xleh difahami lngsung)
2nd tu dpt difahami ayatnye tp xphm mksdnye.haha.sbb xde kene mengena lngsung dgn ape yg disoal.hahaha...
time tu cm blurr gile npe la ngn mmbe ni.
last2 rupe2nye slame2 msg tu..die nga mngigau n xsedar lngsung ape die tulih..
hahaahah..LAWAK SANGAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rase nk gelak guling2 je..
plg best timee msg yg xdifahami mksd tu...ckp psl xnk kco die nga tido..yela...die suroh kjutkn die tido pas mkn.mstilah xnk kan memndgkn die pnat.
tp tup2 die bls...tup2 da kua bhs alien die yg mmg xphm..haha.bls2 psl bola la..stadium la..tiket la..xdpt msuk la.pelik2 je...
tup4 lgi bru die ckp die tsedar dr tido lps da ANTA 2 MSG ALIEN.huhu...

*sori ye wt berita harian lak kt cm suke sgt lak nk cite...xpe..xde spe pon bce blog ni..;p*

the moral of the story is....len kali tido ltk hp jauh2 ye.haha...n bce doa tido b4 tido spy xmngigau sebegitu rupe lgi..

p/s:suke je sbrnye lyn die ngigau.sbb comey sgt.hahaah!jrg jmp situasi cmni..buat lgi nex time ok..:)