Saturday, August 15, 2009

owh tulangku~

baru2 ni..ija baru g hospital pantai kt bangsar..ape la agaknye tujuan die kn..hurm..well..ija g sane sbb wat x-ray badan..i'm sick..huhu..
tapi bkn sakit mcm dlm gmbr monyet ni..but worse.actually this sakit da lame since i'm in secondary schools..but..baru skng sedar nape backbones da lari/senget and also my pinggul nye bones...worse right?lps tgk x-ray tuh nampak la ngn jelas kesengetan die tuh..ija tersangat la berterima kasih kt akak sbb die menyedari nih sekarang.kalau lambat ag..xtaw la pe akn jadi kn..huhu..


then..pagi semalam mak n ayah bawa ija pegi jumpa Dr. Han(Dr. Chiropractic) kt mane tah(lupe) tuk bincang pasl treatment ija..huhu..kalau b4 this asyik tgk diorg je g sane..but know ija lak yang kene g..aiyok..
well..bile jumpa tuh..the Doc ask me about my pain...when this penyakit occur?and u know what?ija jwb soklan tuh mgunakan bahasa melayu!malay!ahahaha...mesti pelik kn..ape la yg salahnye klu jwb malay..well..the doc is la die x taw ckp malay and juz know only english..but clever la kn sbtr..tlupe die tuh korea sejati..g bantai ckp bhs melayu ag..die ternganga la sbtr ngn mule blurry nye..haha...tuh pun seb bek ija disedarkan oleh ayah(dgn bkata 'hoi')...baru la cpt2 tuka channel bahasa..haha..
the whole room dipenuhi ngn gelak tawa mak n ayah.but unfortunately that doc xphm nape kami die diam je..hahahaaha.....
ok2..jum move on..then the doc pun tgk la x-ray2 ija..and berkata...

lepas di translate n dipermudahkan...
'sy mengalami kesengetan tulang sebanyak 20 dgree..tulang pinggul sy belah kanan dah ternaek tggi than belah kaki is not i must wear special heel for my left foot tuk balancekn balik tulang pinggul for about 6 months then wat balik another x-ray.and untuk pulihkan balik ke normal my backbones agak sukar..but to change it till 15 dgree possability nye tinggi..but boleh normal..juz susah bcoz i'm fully grown already..and i must always do exercises(die da aja)'
tuh la secare ringkas k..

so pagi tuh ija wat la treatment ngn doc..1st treatment..ija kene la baring kt ats cm 'katil' la kot..then doc tuh g 'pulas2' pale ija..tekan gune siku kt blkng ija..'pulas' bdn...fuh..all i can say..sakit but sedap..and agak tkejut sbb die tulang2 mengeluarkan bunyi KROOOKKK!!!well..2nd ija g menterbalikkan diri lak kt 'krusi terbalik'..hehe..dicini ija kene berada dlm keadaa kaki diatas kepala dibwh selama 10 min..mmg xsyiok yg ni..sbb ija rase sakit sket kt tulang belah kanan..maybe sebab die tertarik kt citu kot..then bile da abes mule la rase pening lalat sbb da dpt jejak dunia balik..huhu.
3rd treatment pule g wat muscle stimulation selama 15 min kot?itu besh..sbb die gune renjatan elektrik yang mencukupi tuk relaxkn muscle kot?haha..donno..but besh laa...
lastbut not least g la wat scan kaki..dicitu dpt la nampak kaki ija mmg x normal..

aiyok..mmg i'm not a normal person la..well..juz nk bgtaw..kalau ternampak ija pkai heels sblh je..don ask me why ok?bcoz mmg kene mcm tuh selama 6 months..and after this, every week ija akn balik n jumpe dat korean doc ija akn recover cpt la..sbb x suke la kene exercise..haha..mende2 berat sume ija xleh wt da..doc x kasi..doakan ija gak eh?ngeeww~
k la..till nex time..chow~

dr han's room.


amni inma said...
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amni inma said...

hehe..time kasih kerane mention name i(walaupun pn sebaris je)..hihi..along mmg x thn nk gelak membayangkan keadaan ija dlm blk dr han tuh..wish i was there..leh gelak kuat2..hahaha..
anyway, it was actually a 'katil terbalik' instead of 'kerusi terbalik', n yeah, me too dont really like it..seb baek kene skali je..but u know wut, ayah siap leh tido lagi every time he goes upside down..huhu..weird rite?at least along tido time muscle stim. n traction..hehe..itupun mak pelik gak..
well, dun forget to exercise as u're taught to..(reminder tuk sndiri jugak ;) hopefully ur spine will improve n not worsen, insyaAllah..

afifahramli said...

get well soon ija =)

fariza_ija said...

ok along..thnks a lot k..psl ayoh tuh..ija taw doh..klu tdo time muscle stimulation tuh dok la pelik mne pn..sbb bes je..haha..

to pipah..thanks..=]